Friday, August 8, 2014


Tuberculosis (TB) is a respiratory infection caused by bacteria called ‘Mycobacterium tuberculosis’. This is a highly contagious disease with a high risk of fatality. Though TB is primarily a pulmonary infection, it can affect other organs of the body. The bacteria can remain dormant in the body of the infected person for years without causing any symptoms of the disease.  Repeated or prolonged exposure to the bacteria increases the risk of tuberculosis. The main symptom of this disease includes persistent coughing, fatigue, shortness of breath or labored breathing, night sweats, fever, chest pain etc.  The disease cause tissue death of the infected organ and is fatal. Proper medical treatment will help to remove the bacteria from the body. There are many home remedies that can help to treat the problem in the natural way. These remedies can be used as a complimentary treatment along with conventional medicines.  Here are some of the important home remedies for tuberculosis. Home Remedies For Tuberculosis:

1.    Garlic Garlic has anti bacterial property as it contains sulphur. This helps in destroying the bacteria causing TB. Garlic also contains allicin and ajoene which helps to inhibit the bacterial growth. Garlic improves the immunity of the body.  Cooked or raw garlic can be used as a remedy. How To Use? •     Boil four cups water and one cup of milk together add half teaspoon of chopped garlic and reduce it to one –fourth. Drink this mixture three times daily. •    Drink a glass of milk to which 10 drops of garlic juice is added before going to bed.  To get better result, do not drink water immediately after consuming the remedy.
2.    Banana Bananas are rich source of nutrients which will boost the immune system of the TB infected person. Bananas help to reduce the fever and cough caused due to tuberculosis. How To Use? •     Make a juice of  bananas and drink at least one glass daily •     You can mix one mashed banana with one cup of coconut water, half-cup of yoghurt and one spoon of honey and consume it twice daily to get relief from cough and other symptoms.
3.    Oranges Oranges will help to keep your lungs healthy. The essential minerals and vitamins present in orange rejuvenate the tissues of the lungs. Orange juice acts like an expectorant and relieves cough. Oranges help to prevent the secondary infections of the body by tuberculosis as it boosts the immune system of the body. How To Use? •    Take one glass of freshly squeezed juice of orange and add a bit of salt and one tablespoon of honey. •    Drink this juice daily to nourish the lungs and to regain the tissues.
4.    Pineapple Pineapple juice is very effective in treating tuberculosis. Pineapple juice helps to reduce the mucus formation and provides faster recovery. How to use? •    Drink fresh juice of pineapple on daily basis.
5.    Black Pepper Black pepper is effective in cleansing the lungs and reducing the mucus production. This in turn helps to relieve the chest pain caused by tuberculosis. Pepper also has anti inflammatory properties which will help to reduce the inflammation caused by infection and coughing. How To Use? •    Fry 8-10 black pepper in clarified butter and make a paste of it. •    Add a pinch of asafetida powder to this paste •    Take half teaspoon of this remedy  every few hours.
6.    Walnut Walnut is effective in improving the immune response of the body when you are suffering from tuberculosis.  The nutrients in the walnut speed up the healing of the tissues. How To Use? •    Walnuts can be eaten as such to improve the immune system •    Mix two teaspoons of crushed walnut powder with one teaspoon of garlic paste and one teaspoon of clarified butter. Eat this daily to get relief from tuberculosis.

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